President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates Adefunke Adeyemi on her election as the new Secretary General of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the African Union (AU) agency responsible for civil aviation in Africa.

The President reiterates Nigeria’s commitment to promoting a prosperous and integrated Africa through the activities of organisations such as AFCAC.

The Nigerian leader trusts that the newly appointed Secretary-General will advance the common objective of the association with the support of the Bureau, Secretariat, AFCAC member States, international organizations, States Partners and all aviation and affiliated stakeholders.

As Nigeria is a signatory to the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM), President Buhari urges the Commission to remain resolute in the implementation of the full liberalisation of air transport services, with the attendant benefits: increased air service levels and lower fares, facilitate tourism, trade and investment as well as enhance productivity, economic growth and employment.

The President wishes the Nigerian-born Secretary-General all the best in her new assignment.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 22, 2022





President Muhammadu Buhari condoles with the Oluwasanmi family of Ipetu Ijesa, Osun State on the loss of their beloved father and grandfather, Chief Oyekunle Oluwasanmi at 85.

President Buhari notes the contributions of Chief Oluwasanmi to the service to his fatherland, as an Area Administrator with the Nigerian Customs Service, member, Committee for States and Local Governments creation that birthed the six states in 1996, and his appointment as Minister of State for Power and Steel the same year. He was also Chairman of the Board of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

According to the President, “Chief Oluwasanmi, the renowned technocrat, administrator and highly respected community leader, continued to participate actively in faith-based organisations and social community development after his public life, stressing the essence of togetherness and strong family values.”

He prays that God almighty will repose the soul of the former Minister and comfort family, friends and associates at this time.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity

July 22, 2022





President Muhammadu Buhari Friday in Abuja told stakeholders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) that the unity, security and prosperity of the country would matter most to him, beyond his days in office as President.

The President expressed delight that the party is on towards that eventuality.

He thanked the delegation led by the National Chairman of the party, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, “for the kind words on my role in processes leading to the emergence of our candidate, and his running mate, for the Presidential election in February, next year.

‘‘I want to thank you all for the roles you played in the build-up, first to our national convention earlier this year, and later, to the primary elections.

‘‘You were all of one mind, wanting the best for the Party, with the candidate emerging in a free and fair manner.

‘‘For us all, the cohesion and unity of the Party was the first priority, and ambition was second. I am glad that you all saw the larger picture, rather than narrow, self-serving interests.’’

President Buhari recounted that when the presidential running mate, Senator Kashim Shettima, was presented to him a couple of days ago, he had said he would reserve his comments till the handover ceremony on May 29, 2023, at the Eagle Square.

‘‘I still maintain that same position,’’ the President said, lauding party members for acknowledging the many virtues that qualify the Vice Presidential Candidate for the noble position.

The President expressed confidence that Shettima would not disappoint the Party, and Nigerians at large.

He also commended the Party for resolving to further mobilize more Nigerians, particularly youths, to register, and get their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs), saying ‘‘It is the way to go.’’

The National Chairman of the party, the Chairman, the Progressives Governors Forum and Governor of Kebbi State, Abubakar Atiku Bagudu and Shettima, in separate remarks, expressed gratitude to the President for his exemplary leadership which has strengthened the Party in the aftermath of the convention and primaries.

Adamu said: ‘‘Our main goal is to see the success of the APC in the forthcoming general elections. There’s no better parting gift than to ensure that the APC produces the next President.’’

Bagudu told the President that he had set a worthy precedence on internal democracy in political parties, saying:

‘‘Under pressure to dictate or suggest , you were determined that the democratic process should be given the opportunity to work and what we have seen is that democratic processes can produce very excellent results.

‘‘We have a Presidential Candidate and a running mate, whom we are all proud of.’’

The Kebbi Governor attributed the gradual return of normalcy to the North Eastern part of the country to the spirited interventions approved by the President, acknowledging the rise in agricultural activities and food production in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States.

The Vice Presidential candidate reiterated the willingness of the APC Presidential Candidate, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu and himself to serve Nigeria with justice, equity and fairness.

‘‘We want to solicit the support of the President once INEC lifts the ban on open-air campaigns and we want to latch on to your achievements and brand name to victory, and consolidate the leadership of the party,’’ he said.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 22, 2022





President Muhammadu Buhari joins family, friends and associates of Hajiya Zainab Abah Folawiyio, doyen of fashion in Nigeria, in celebrating her 80th birthday, July 22,2022.

The President notes historic roles the matriarch has played in development of the country by smartly translating her regal taste into an art, and further lifting it into trade for benefit of society.

As the mother and grandmother celebrates the climb to 80th rung of the age ladder, President Buhari believes her propensity for giving and sharing love will be sustained, while her wisdom after years of experience, remain enriching.

The President affirms that Mama’s role in community development, which includes mobilizing for civil responsibilities and pursuit of personal growth, will always stand her out for recognition.

He prays that the Almighty God will grant the octogenarian, popularly known as Labanella, longer life and more strength.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 22, 2022


Rt. Hon. Dekor Visits Ondo Governor Over Ilaje Oil Explosion


Succor appears to come the way of the people of Ilaje Community in Ondo State as the House committees on Host Communities, Petroleum Upstream & Petroleum Downstream, jointly but led by the Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Host Communities, Rt. Hon. Dumnamene Robinson Dekor has visited the site and the Ondo State governor, Oluwarotimi Akeredolu over the sad incidence.


Rt. Hon. Dekor who told the governor he was on the visit on behalf of the National Assembly to empathize with him over the sad incidence, applauded him for not politicising issues of national development.


According to him, members of the Committee visited some of the affected areas to access the extent of the damage recorded.


“There’s been a lot of investigations. What we heard from a lot of agencies that carried out investigations goes to show that they had well over a hundred thousand barrels of crude oil on that facility.


“So, it means that with that explosion, a lot of that product has been dispersed into the waters, and the effect is not only at that particular spot (onshore) but to coastal areas in other states”, he said, adding however that the biggest impact as investigations showed, was at Ilaje Local Government Area of Ondo State.


Gov Akeredolu while responding, commended Rt. Hon. Dekor and members of the Committee for the visit, noting that the impact of the explosion was huge.


The governor said the cleaning up of the affected areas and payment of compensation must be done with utmost transparency and sincerity.


He regretted that the explosion has damaged the vegetation and aquatic lives of the people to the extent that they cannot be adequately compensated.


Recall that the sad event took place in February this year when an explosion and the resultant fire engulfed a floating production storage and offloading vessel off the coast of Ilaje Local Government Area of the state.


Why we reviewed projects’ costs – Okowa


Delta Governor and Vice-Presidential Candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Friday, said his administration reviewed cost of some ongoing projects in the state due to inflation and rising cost of construction materials.


Speaking to journalists shortly after inspecting ongoing construction of Isheagu-Ewulu road and bridge in Aniocha South Local Government Area of the state, Okowa said that current economic indices in the country had taken negative tolls on every segment of activities and therefore, made review of the contracts’ values inevitable.


He said that the road and bridge when completed, would serve two major agrarian communities of Isheagu and Ewulu.


The governor stated that contract for the project was awarded in January, 2021 and would be completed in December, 2022, adding that 4.7-kilometre Isheagu section already reconstructed.


He also said that from the bridge to Ewulu another fresh section of 4.4 kilometres of road would be constructed.


“With what is going on in Nigeria now, the inflation rate is very high and it is affecting every other thing, particularly construction of infrastructure.


“Most of our contractors are actually struggling, so we had no option than to review the rate because inflation has risen as much as 18.6 per cent and that is actually affecting every aspect of the life of the people.


“As regards the cost of construction, the high cost of diesel at the moment, asphalt has also gone suddenly very high and of course, to drive most of the motorised equipment you require for construction work, you need a lot of diesel. The cost of rod has also gone up and it’s going up by the day.


“Unfortunately, beyond the global tendencies of Russia-Ukraine war which has also devalued our naira and making it to depreciate on daily basis and this goes a long way to affect the original cost of contracts,” he said.


The governor, who was conducted round the project by the Commissioner for Works (Highways and Urban Roads) Mr Noel Omodon, explained that government was left with no option than to review the cost of the projects to ensure their timely completion amid biting inflation.


“Having looked at everything, we needed to save the budget and the earlier we find a pathway to completing the projects the better, otherwise the escalation continues even more on a daily basis.


“So, it’s quite difficult and we wished we didn’t get into the kind of difficulties we are in to, but we have no choice.


“We have started the projects and we have to complete them otherwise the contractors will move out of site and when they move out, to remobilise is at a higher cost and we don’t want to go through that route at all.


“It’s a very unfortunate situation we find ourselves; it distorts our budgeting and we just hope that we are able to continue realigning our budget to keep pace with the construction that we are undergoing.


“Beyond having the infrastructure in place, it also creates jobs for our young ones and we cannot afford to have the contractors move out of site because it will mean that you are going to take food off the table of families which is also not good for us.


“I have been informed that the project would be completed by the end of December, 2022.


“From what we are seeing, life is coming back to Isheagu from the excitement on the faces of the people because the road would help them to evacuate their farm produce,” he stated.


Okowa also inspected ongoing works at the Sector C1 of the Ughelli-Asaba road by Obo River where the contractor said the bridge construction would be completed in October while the road would be ready in December, 2022.





Osun Election/Fake Bishops

PDP to Tinubu: Withdraw from Presidential Race Now

Gentlemen of the Press,

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is appalled by the nauseating, blasphemous and unpardonable act by the All Progressives Congress (APC) in hiring street artisans, fraudsters and touts and criminally dressing them in bishop’s vestments to orchestrate an endorsement for its collapsing Presidential campaign.

The PDP, in the strongest term, condemns this profane and highly provocative act of desperation by the sinking APC Presidential Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in the face of APC’s collapsing leadership, membership and followership structure across the country.

Nigerians were sickened by videos and pictorial evidence of known mechanics, bus conductors and fraudsters sacrilegiously being dressed in fake bishop vestments and paid to endorse the unveiling of Asiwaju Tinubu’s widely rejected running mate, Sen. Kashim Shettima.

Such action is unacceptable and unbecoming of any individual aspiring to a leadership position at any level let alone, the office of the President. This is an embarrassment to leadership.

With this scandalous act, Asiwaju Tinubu, who is still battling with issues of alleged perjury, non-existent certificate and allegations of extortions has become more ethically challenged and lost all moral standing to seek election as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

More sickening is the outcry by the hirelings that they were defrauded by agents of the APC Presidential candidate, who paid them sums ranging from N30,000 to N40,000 as against the N100,000 they were earlier promised.

It is therefore ludicrous that instead of being remorseful and asking for forgiveness, the APC Presidential Campaign is shamelessly posting lame denials and excuses in the face of hard and verified evidence of its involvement in the shameless venture.

Our Party is not surprised by the attitude of the APC Presidential Campaign. Such is consistent with the character and DNA of the APC, which was never a political party but a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) hurriedly put together by conflicting bed-fellows and inchoate sailors clobbered together for remote personal gain and whose only interest is to defraud Nigerians through falsehood, lies, deceit, bribery, Temporary Loyalty Purchase, corruption of established institutions and violation of set rules without regards to the feelings, sensibilities and wellbeing of Nigerians.

With this ugly episode, Nigerians now know the individual who has been the planner and executor of the lies, false promises and corruption of the APC that have brought disunity, excruciating hardship, mass killings and political instability in the country in the last seven years.

Under the corrupt and deceptive government Asiwaju confessed to have helped to install, our productive sector has been completely wrecked; the over $550 billion economy (largest in Africa and 26th globally) with a naira value of N167 to the Dollar handed over by the PDP has been brought to its knees with the naira now crawling at N665 to a Dollar today.

Under Asiwaju’s APC government, Nigeria’s debt stock has astronomically risen from N12 trillion under the PDP to N41.6 trillion with our nation going broke as Debt Servicing cost has now surpassed Government revenue with over N300 billion.

Today, millions on businesses have been shut down due to harsh economic policies and high cost of fuel; unemployment has risen to over 35%, cost of food items, medication and essential services have skyrocketed beyond reach as over 90 million Nigerians are no longer able to afford their daily meals and other basic necessities of life. What a tragedy!

It is now crystal clear to Nigerians why the people of Asiwaju’s ancestral State of Osun and the South West geo-political zone which ought to be his natural stronghold outrighly rejected him and his APC in the July 16, 2022 Governorship election in Osun the State.

PDP’s sweeping victory and the spontaneous jubilation across our country are direct statements by Nigerians on their resolve to stand on the platform of the PDP to free themselves from the agonizing stranglehold of the lying, cruel and life-discounting APC and its Presidential Candidate.

Furthermore, Asiwaju Tibunu’s humiliating rejection in Abuja, where he had reportedly rushed to in a desperate bid to frustrate the smooth conclusion of the Osun State Governorship election is a clear testimonial that the APC Presidential Candidate has been roundly deflated.

Our Party is privy to reports of how doors were locked against APC leaders in Abuja and how their frantic telephone calls and corrupt offers to truncate the Osun election were turned down.

The APC Presidential candidate can recall that our Party had in a statement on June 8, 2022, cautioned him that he will soon realize that Nigeria is not one of his acquired estates or fiefdoms and that Nigerians are not his political string-puppets and retinue of lackeys, from whom he bought the APC Presidential ticket.

Now that the APC Presidential candidate has lost the basic required leadership integrity and having been exposed and roundly rejected in his ancestral home State of Osun, the South West and across the country; our Party counsels him to immediately withdraw from the 2023 Presidential race to avoid further disgrace.

Nigerians cannot afford to have fraudsters, liars, deceivers, perjurers, swindlers and corrupt individuals at the helm of affairs in our country. Such individuals can only superintend over a deceptive, fraudulent and duplicitous administration and worsen the woes faced by our nation under the current inhumane and rudderless APC administration.

The APC Presidential candidate and his party should know that it is in his own interest to withdraw from the race as it will be futile to go into an election in which the Will and aspiration of the people are manifestly against him and the APC.

Asiwaju has no political fighting chance in the face of the soaring popularity of PDP’s very competent, candid, transparent, people-oriented and much more prepared Presidential Candidate, His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar at the poll.

The PDP is poised for a winning campaign and as always, our Party is open to suggestions and further collaborations with well-meaning Nigerians as we collectively march to liberate our nation in the 2023 general elections.

Thank you for listening and God bless you all

Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary


President Muhammadu Buhari Friday in Abuja declared that the off-season elections in Anambra, Ekiti and Osun States have confirmed his Administration’s irreversible commitment to credible and violence-free polls in the country.

Receiving a delegation from Nasarawa State, the President urged the electorate to vote the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the next general elections to ensure continuity in the polity, and stability in the country and West African region.

The President told the high-powered delegation led by the State Governor, Abdullahi Sule, that the Electoral Act, signed by him earlier this year, was an attestation of the fulfilment of the administration’s determination and commitment to the tenets of the rule of law.

‘‘On the issues of credible, free and fair elections in the country, I have always re-assured my listeners both at home and abroad, my personal desire and indeed the priority of this administration is to bequeath to our nation an irreversible political process that continues to be both democratic and acceptable to the people.

‘‘My desire for our nation is that the 2023 elections should clearly mark the commencement of the institutional strength of our electoral body in conducting acceptable, credible and violence-free elections.

‘‘The forthcoming general elections will provide us with the opportunity to convince the electorate on the need for continuity to enable our party to consolidate on our achievements in the last 7 years.

‘‘The Government and people of Nasarawa State, as usual, have a great role to play in returning our party to governance in the 2023 elections, in order to create a path for greater socio- economic growth and development. This is not only important for Nigeria alone but also for the West African Sub-Region.’’

Noting that Nasarawa remains very dear to his heart, President Buhari described the State as the symbol of hope and determination in collective efforts to entrench democracy in Nigeria.

He recounted that in 2011, the State stood out during the general elections of that year, as the one State that compensated the political efforts in the then Congress for Progressive Change, defying rigging and ensuring that their voices mattered.

‘‘To demonstrate this admiration and appreciation to the people of Nasarawa State, I personally attended the inauguration of Governor Tanko Al- Makura on May 29, 2011. In 2015 and 2019, the State remained one of the strongholds of our great party, the APC.

‘‘I am optimistic that the people of the State, the APC Government and this broad representation of your delegation will not disappoint me, as we sustain concerted efforts in pushing forward the frontiers of good governance in our country.’’

President Buhari also used the occasion to stress the need for partnerships among the three tiers of government in order to deliver good governance, infrastructure and critical services needed by the people.

He pledged commitment to the joint-efforts by the State and the Federal Governments to facilitate easy transportation by road, railways and airports as well as power as no nation can develop without these components of infrastructure.

‘‘The proximity of Nasarawa State to the FCT naturally makes the State a partner in infrastructural development. We therefore need more collaboration to enhance this proximity with other contiguous States to achieve more integrated development,’’ the President said, expressing appreciation to the Government and people of the State for their continuing support to his administration.

Governor Sule told the President that the delegation comprising political office holders, royal fathers and community leaders was in the Villa to show appreciation for the numerous projects executed by the Buhari Administration which Nasarawa State ‘‘is among the great beneficiaries.’’

He thanked the President for approving the Federal Government takeover of the Lafia airport, refunds for the completion of the Lafia-Keffi road, ongoing construction of Abuja-Keffi-Akwanga-Lafia-Makurdi dual carriage road, and appointment of prominent sons and daughters of the State into different positions in the Federal Government.

On Lafia airport, the Governor said: ‘‘By this approval we can now see our airport being properly utilised not only as a cargo, but also commercial and security airport. This will createenormous economic activities, employment opportunities and more importantly security for our State and region.’’

He also congratulated the President for providing leadership and creating the enabling environment that facilitated the conduct of free, fair and credible primary elections, which resulted in the emergence of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the Presidential Candidate of APC, as well as the recent Osun elections that produced the PDP-candidate as Governor-elect.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 22, 2022



Alhaji Nureni Oluwatoyin Animashaun is dead

Alhaji Nureni Oluwatoyin Animashaun is dead.

The top Lagos leader died on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 in Surulere.

He was 76.

A totally detribalized Nigerian, Animashaun was known for being outspoken and for not shying away from the truth.

Tributes from relatives, friends and neighbours have described him as a straightforward and a deeply committed family man.

“Alhaji Animashaun was a pillar of his family. His passing is a great loss to the family, Lagos Island and Alaka-Iponri Community.

Animashaun was buried according to Muslim rites on Wednesday, July 20, 22 at Ikoyi Cemetery, behind Radio Nigeria.

The 8 days Fidau Prayer will hold on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at Block 135, Iponri Housing Estate, Alaka