President Muhammadu Buhari says his administration is ready to use everything within its powers to end insecurity in the country and bring perpetrators of criminal activities to book.

The President, who spoke on Tuesday at a dinner with members of the National Assembly, held at the State House Conference Centre, Abuja, said ‘‘insecurity, manifesting as insurgencies, banditry, kidnapping and urban crime of all sorts is the single most difficult challenge we face today.’’

He expressed concern that insecurity had inhibited government’s ability to build infrastructure, provide the much needed social services to the people, and to attract investments that drive innovation, create industries, and provide jobs and create wealth.

‘‘Some of the people who perpetuate these various manifestations of insecurity do so for profit, others, in the name of discredited ideologies.

‘‘Whatever their motivations may be, their actions are an existential threat to our country.

‘‘In the circumstances, we must do everything within our power, without consideration of distractions, to put an end to their activities and bring them to book.

‘‘We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted from this objective, or waver in our commitment, and I am confident that together we will triumph in our present efforts,’’ he said.

President Buhari also used the occasion to hail the ninth National Assembly for discharging their legislative duties with maturity and competence, describing the legislature as ‘‘full partners in national development.’’

He particularly commended the minority parties in the legislature for their cooperation and support for Government programmes.

‘‘Our ability to govern in the best interests of the Nigerian people depends to a great deal on effective collaboration and partnership between the Legislature and the Executive.

‘‘The obligation to check and balance each other is not an invitation to conflict, and it should not be characterised by quarrelsome disagreement when consultation, engagements and compromise have proven time and again to be a more effective approach.

‘‘In the 9th Assembly, you have distinguished yourselves by your conduct in office, by the scale and quality of your legislative interventions, and by your capacity for engaging with the difficult questions facing the country with maturity and competence,’’ he said.

The President listed some legislative accomplishments of the ninth assembly ranging from returning of our budget cycle to January to December, the amendment of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), the Nigeria Police Act, the Finance Act, the Deep Offshore Production Sharing Contract Act, amongst others.

Commending the leadership of the National Assembly under Senate President Ahmad Lawan and Speaker of the House of Representatives Femi Gbajabiamila for their dedication through challenging times, the President told the legislators:

‘‘You have also succeeded in overcoming the political and other obstacles that have, for two decades, inhibited the much-needed reforms of our Oil and Gas industry, resulting now in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).

‘‘I congratulate you all, and thank you for your contributions to the difficult, yet necessary task of nation building.’’

The President noted that the executive and legislature came into office at a time of significant challenges for the country.

‘‘Overcoming these challenges require that we finally confront long ignored questions of economics, politics, law and history that are often at the root of our national problems.

‘‘This moment in history requires us to make hard choices, take difficult decisions and act with diligence and patriotism to ensure that our country can survive and thrive long after we have all left.

‘‘What this means in effect is that our jobs will not get any easier. However, the objectives we seek, and will work together to achieve, deserve our best efforts regardless the sacrifice,’’ he said.

As the second legislative year of the 9th Assembly has just come to an end, the President noted that it was appropriate to jointly review shared commitments, to identify what has been achieved, and what is still left undone.

‘‘This way, we can prioritise activities and allocate the resources necessary to ensure that in the lifetime of this Assembly, and of the administration, we can complete the work we have started, and leave behind a record of achievement that will stand all of us in good stead in the assessment of history,’’ he said.

The President said he looked forward to continued collaboration and partnership between the Executive and Legislative arms of government, working together to achieve a shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous country.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 13, 2021




We are a lucky country and should congratulate ourselves, despite challenges that could have torn us apart, President Muhammadu Buhari has said.

The President spoke Tuesday at State House, Abuja, while receiving the report of the National Security Summit held on May 26, 2021, by the House of Representatives. The report was submitted by a team of House members, led by the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila.

President Buhari urged leaders to respect the people, from the lowest to the highest, “so that it becomes a duty to them (the people) to pay back to the leadership.”

Respect for the people, according to the President, should come in allowing them “to choose who they like as their leaders, irrespective of political party or religion.”

Describing the event as “a remarkable occasion,” President Buhari restated his determination to serve the country to the best of his ability, recalling his visits to the 36 States during the campaign for 2019 elections.

Said the President: “The number of people that turned out to see me, some waiting for 10 hours in the sun, was more than anyone could buy, or force. They just wanted to see who this Buhari was. People wonder why Nigerians accept me, despite not being rich. I wonder, too. I felt I just have to serve Nigeria and Nigerians to the best of my ability.”

Commending the 9th National Assembly for its cooperation with the Executive, he said he tried very hard to get the 8th Assembly to do same for the sake of the country, “and I didn’t succeed much. But time has proved me right.”

In his remarks, Mr Gbajabiamila thanked the President for endorsing the security summit conducted by the House, adding: “You were part of it from the very beginning, and you were to have declared it open, if not for the exigencies of duty.”

The Speaker said the summit became imperative after lawmakers were bombarded daily by their constituents on the security challenges facing the country, “and motions after motions were moved by the lawmakers.”

A committee of 50 lawmakers, across party, religious and ethnic lines, he said, was set up to plan the summit, “and Mr President was very eager and enthusiastic about it, showing the importance you place on security.”

Mr Gbajabiamila said the report was a product of inputs by traditional rulers, scholars, independent thinkers, and security chiefs, noting that it contains seven recommendations that require legislative action, and about 19 that will be implemented by the Executive.

The Speaker submitted: “Thank you Mr President for what you have done so far to douse tension and for Nigeria to remain one. It’s about all of us, not just the Executive, the legislature or the judiciary. And Nigeria will work, by the grace of God.”

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

July 13, 2021




Nigeria will offer the best support possible to ensure that the Republic of Cameroon remains an indivisible country, President Muhammadu Buhari has pledged.

The President spoke Tuesday at State House, Abuja, while receiving Mr Felix Mbayu, a Special Envoy from President Paul Biya of Cameroon.

President Buhari said Nigeria and Cameroon share historical ties and common borders, which make it imperative for the two countries to look out for each other’s well-being.

“That was why when I first came to office in 2015, I immediately visited all our neighbours, because we are very clear about the value of good neighbourliness.

“You will have problems if your neighbours are not cultivated. And our relationship with Cameroon had been very clear since when I was serving in the military. The country offered us needed support during our Civil War,” the President said.

Saying Nigeria was acutely aware of the separatist agitation by the Ambazonian movement, President Buhari submitted that it was in the interest of Nigeria “to ensure that Cameroon is stable, and we will be steadfast in our support for you.”

Mr Felix Mbayu, who is also Minister Delegate in Charge of Cooperation with the Commonwealth, said President Biya was happy with the role Nigeria was playing in Africa, noting that the two neighbours share not just borders and historical ties, “but also common challenges.”

“These challenges border on security specially, and it is incumbent on us both to find common solutions,” he added.

The Special Envoy said President Biya looked forward to a situation in which Nigerian territory would not be available for the Ambazonian movement to destabilize Cameroon, “as some people are taking advantage of some crises in the two English speaking parts of Cameroon to break the country apart.”

He congratulated Nigeria on the recent arrest and repatriation of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) through collaboration of national security agencies and INTERPOL.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

July 13, 2021




President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday in Abuja pledged that Nigeria will continue to support the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) process in the country because of its benefits to good governance and democracy.

The President gave the assurance at the launch of Nigeria Second Review Country Self-Assessment Report and Flag–off of the Validation of the Report at the six geo-political zones of the country, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Describing the review as ‘‘timely and handy’’, President Buhari explained that the present administration with its change mantra agenda, has overhauled, revitalized and institutionalised its machinery for a successful conduct of the second peer review of the country.

The President recalled that Nigeria was first peer reviewed in 2008 and since then has recorded tremendous success in the implementation of the National Programme of Action as recommended.

He reiterated the commitment of his administration to the implementation of the new National Programme of Action that will come up after the review process.

‘‘Agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the African continent over the next 50 years with a strong mandate on NEPAD and APRM.

‘‘This is in an attempt to build on and seek the acceleration of the implementation of past and present continental initiatives for the growth and sustainable development of the African Continent.

‘‘This exercise will be a strong reference point in the nation’s history, a source of courage and positive drive for this initiative that is aimed at consolidating the strides of this present administration.

‘‘In addition, this administration has been very supportive and will continue to support the APRM Process in Nigeria knowing the importance of the process which enhances transparency and good governance, strengthens our democracy, identifies and addresses critical challenges as well as promotes all-inclusiveness,’’ he said.

The President therefore urged all stakeholders to come up with more vital strategies, mechanisms and measures that would enable diligent implementation of the new National Programme of Action for accelerated Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Nigeria and Africa.

In her remarks, the National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer of AUDA-NEPAD Nigeria, Hon. Gloria Akobundu thanked President Buhari for his transparency, courageous leadership and consenting to the conduct of the Second Peer Review of Nigeria and his consistency in achieving the desired goal.

‘‘African Peer Review Mechanism is a mirror for Member States to encourage each other and build resilience to challenges and foster solutions to under development and promote good governance in the continent,’’ she said.

Akobdundu explained that after the Validation of the Country Self-Assessment Report, there are other activities to be effectively accomplished to ensure effectual completion of the Second Peer Review Process.

She listed them as follows:

‘‘The Issue Paper, New National Programme of Action, Presentation of the Report and Peer Review of Nigeria at the APR Forum of Heads of State and Government, Institutionalization of the Country Review Report (CRR), Launch of the Country Review Report (CRR) and Continuous Assessment of the Progress and Presentation of Progress Report to the AU-APRM.”

She pledged that the agency will leave no stone unturned to ensure that a smooth process is attained.

The event was attended by the Country Self-Assessment Mission led by Dr. Abdoulie Janneh of Gambia, a former Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the Chief Executive Officer of AU-APRM Secretariat, Prof. Eddy Maloka, among others.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 13, 2021







President Muhammadu Buhari extends

best wishes

to Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State on the occasion of his 55th birthday.

The President is mindful of Governor Emmanuel’s devotion to serving his people and prays God Almighty to sustain him with good health and happiness to celebrate more successes in his administration.

President Buhari urges Governor Emmanuel, who has had successful careers as a banker and chartered accountant before joining politics, not to relent in using his privileged position as an elected public officer holder to move Nigeria forward.

Garba Shehu

Senior Special Assistant to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 12, 2021




President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed over the decisive victory won by his party in the just concluded parliamentary elections, returning him to office for another five years.

Reacting to the outcome of the elections as announced over the weekend, the President told the Ethiopian leader: “On behalf of the Nigerian people I send you and the people of Ethiopia our well wishes for your courage and commitment to the democratic process and urge you to continue with the good policies of your government that endeared you to the people.”

President Buhari, who also reflected on the instability rocking Ethiopia appealed to parties and factions in the country to come together to halt their country’s march to civil war to save their people from depravations of conflict.

He lamented that instability in one part of Africa is a threat to stability elsewhere: “Instability is a grave threat to African progress. African countries cannot attain their development goals if every group resorts to violence and destabilisation instead of seeking peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue.”

President Buhari assured the Ethiopian leader that Nigeria will continue to support the unity and territorial well-being of his country and of all African States.

Garba Shehu

Senior Special Assistant to the President

(Media & Publicity)

July 12, 2021





Tuesday, July 13, 2021








My attention has been drawn to a statement credited to the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Kola Ologbodiyan, cautioning banks and other financial institutions to be wary of financial transactions with Governor A.A. Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State on the ground that Governor Matawalle has ‘vacated’ his office as Governor by defecting to the APC. The PDP also stated in very clear terms that the Deputy Governor, Mahdi Aliyu Gusau, now holds the Zamfara Governorship mandate and ought to be accorded the protection and privileges due the office of Governor as the formal process for his official declaration as substantive Governor of Zamfara State has commenced at the Federal High Court.


I was tempted to dismiss this statement by the PDP with a wave of the hand as a joke but I quickly realized that some of the tumultuous moments we have had as a country began as seemingly innocent jokes. My intervention is therefore borne out of patriotism (yes, I admit, maybe partisanship too) and a duty to set the records straight.


To give its illogical assertions some veil of constitutionality, the PDP placed reliance on Section 221 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) as well as the judgment of the Supreme Court in Faleke v. INEC.


Unfortunately for the PDP, the Supreme Court decision in Faleke v. INEC does not relate to the consequence of the defection of a Governor from one political party to the other. A more apt instance will be the Atiku Abubakar scenario wherein Atiku Abubakar as Vice President, elected under the PDP, defected to the then Action Congress. President Olusegun Obasanjo attempted to declare his office vacant in circumstances similar to the Zamfara scenario and the dispute ended in Court. I was part of the legal team at the time. It is trite that under the 1999 constitution, provisions relating to removal of the President/Vice President are replicated with respect to Governors/Deputy Governors. The position of the Supreme Court was reported as ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION V. ABUBAKAR (2007) 10 NWLR (PART 1041) 1. At page 124 of the Report, Honourable Justice Onnoghen set down the position thus:


“There is no where in the 1999 Constitution where it is stated that the President or Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be removed or is removable from that office if he defects from the political party on whose platform he was elected to that office and joins another political party. It is the Constitutional responsibility of the Legislature to make or amend the laws including the Constitution, where the need arises, while that of the judiciary remains to interpret and apply the laws so made or amended. The courts can therefore not add to nor subtract from the law as enacted by the Legislature under the guise of judicial interpretation of the Constitution or Statute which the appellant desires this court to do in the instant case on appeal.”


Additionally, Section 221 of the 1999 Constitution does not avail the PDP any protection and is not remotely applicable to the present situation in Zamfara State. Section 221 of the 1999 Constitution merely deals with the prohibition of political activities by associations other than political parties. The attempt by the PDP to import the provisions of section 68 of the 1999 Constitution into section 221 of the 1999 Constitution smacks of mischief. If the intent of the draftsmen was to prohibit the defection of Governors to other political parties, it would have been so expressly stated like in the case of lawmakers. The provisions of the 1999 Constitution are very clear on the grounds for the removal of an Executive Governor of a State from office and defection to another political party is not one of such grounds. The Constitution has ‘covered the field’.  However, in its characteristic manner, the PDP has interpreted the law to suit its mischief. At Page 179 of AGF v. ABUBAKAR (supra), Honourable Justice Aderemi went further to add as follows:


“It is manifest from the above quoted constitutional provisions that the law-makers intended to and indeed have made punishable the defection of an elected member, from the political party that sponsored him, to another political party before the expiration of the period for which the House was elected by declaring his seat vacant. No similar provision was made for the Vice President even for the President. If the legislators had intended the Vice President or even the President to suffer the same fate, they would have inserted that provision in clear terms……I have earlier said in this judgment that the removal of the President and/or Vice President from office is an exclusive function of the National Assembly. To stealthily read words in the terms of  Section 68(1)(g) or  Section 109(1)(g) of the 1999 Constitution into  Section 146(3)(c) of the same Constitution and hold that, by his conduct, the Vice President has voluntarily vacated his office will paint a picture of the judiciary foraging into the exclusive territory of the legislators.”


It is extremely laughable that the PDP that celebrated the defection of Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State and Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State from the APC to the PDP with such elaborate ballyhoo and fanfare would muster the effrontery to attempt to remove Governor Bello Matawalle from office for defecting to the APC. Once again, it is simply ridiculous.


One interesting point the Supreme Court also made in the Atiku Abubakar’s case which must have been lost on the PDP is that once a candidate is elected as President or Vice-President (in this case, a Governor) he automatically drops the ticket upon which he/she rode to power and becomes a President or Vice-President of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA, and not of that political party. The ticket is only a VEHICLE to get elected. Once elected, the Governor drops that party ticket and becomes a free agent for EVERYONE in that State. He is therefore free to associate (and decamp) as he likes to any political party. The Supreme Court judgment on Zamfara did not proscribe APC as a political party in the State. It only prohibited it from sponsoring candidates AT THE ELECTION (and not from receiving members to its fold subsequently). Perhaps, the PDP is assuming that it continues to sponsor Matawale IN OFFICE as Governor. No. That SPONSORSHIP ended the MOMENT Gov. Matawale was elected. In fact, to stretch the matter further, belonging to a political party is ONLY for the purpose of ELECTION for President, Vice-President, Governor and Deputy Governor (this may not apply to Legislators as they must continue to belong to a political party whilst in office). So, a Governor, upon being elected can even decide not to belong to a Political Party. In fact to follow the warped logic of PDP on this issue, all a political party needs to do to get rid of a Governor from office is to expel the Governor from the Party!


I also wonder the audacity the PDP has to directly instruct banks not to transact any business with a duly elected Governor. This is such a joke that it portrays the PDP as a comedy troupe. It is also very seditious to attempt to shut down or take over the Government of Zamfara State without a court order and by unconstitutional means. This must be deprecated by all Nigerians.


The PDP should realise that its infantile and illogical position in the case of ZAMFARA appears as a joke, but it has the capability of causing chaos in the State by inciting the uninformed ones in that great State to resort to lawlessness. My advice for the PDP is to concentrate on calming its rocking boat and not to be chasing a horse that has already bolted from the stable.


I rest my case.


Festus Keyamo, SAN, FCIArb (UK)

Hon. Minister of State, Labour and Employment.



Rep. Dum Dekor Rates Gov Wike Best Among Peers In Nigeria


Governor Ezenwo Nyesom Wike of Rivers State is the best and the most selfless among all the serving governors in the country today especially in infrastructural development.


The lawmaker representing Khana/Gokana Federal Constituency, Rt. Hon. Dumnamene Robinson Dekor made the observation while speaking on the sidelines of the official account and stewardship of Gov Wike to Rivers people at the Obi Wali International Conference Centre, Port Harcourt, Monday, July 12, 2021.


Rt. Hon. Dekor who is also the Chairman, House Committee on Host Communities said among all the serving state governors in the country, Gov Wike has demonstrated capacity, gifted and committed in terms and in principles much more than expected and is now a leadership model in Nigeria.


In infrastructural development, the lawmaker said the landmarks are all there to tell the story. The achievements are so much and amazing that one hardly knows where to begin to count, he noted.


Rt. Hon. Dekor, further noted that this is about the only time in the annals of the history of Rivers State, an overwhelming majority of the people including the opposition, all ethnic groups and other pressure groups have expressed joy and passed a collective vote of confidence on any State Chief Executive as having done well and demonstrated that Rivers State is one united entity.


“You can see that from His Excellency’s flag-off of development projects and completed projects commissioning visits to all the 23 local government areas in the  State and the mammoth turnout of admirers and supporters to welcome him. We are all happy to be part of  this revolution in the State and will ever remain grateful to God for giving us this kind of committed and courageous leader at this period in our State’s history,” Rt. Hon. Dekor declared.


He reiterated his resolve to continue to contribute in any way he can to encourage and support the governor and by motivating his constituents to do same so that the state will continue to savour these rare dividends of democracy, courtesy His Excellency, Chief Barr. Nyesom Wike.







  • Governor Has Demonstrated Regard for Professionals across All Fields – ICAN President


Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has stressed the need for trust, accountability and transparency in governance, as well as high level of professionalism in the public and private sectors.


He said these are qualities required for a sustainable social and economic development in the country.


Governor Sanwo-Olu made the statement on Tuesday while receiving the delegation of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), led by its President, Mrs. Comfort Eyitayo, during a courtesy visit at the Lagos House, Ikeja.


Governor Sanwo-Olu, who described accounting profession as noble and of high integrity, said Lagos State Government will continue to support the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, adding that his administration will provide necessary support for the entrepreneurship scheme project the institute intends to set up for young professionals.


He said: “For us in Lagos State Government and in the public service of the State, we consider our role here, as one of trust. Trust in governance is one of our key objectives here. We believe that we are in a position of trust.


“We are in a position where we need to continue to hold ourselves accountable and hold ourselves answerable to the voting public that elected us into office. But more importantly, to be able to hold on to the tenet of ensuring that everything we do, we can account for it; be it infrastructure, financial and human capital.”


Governor Sanwo-Olu while commending Lagos State Public Service for having its own arm of ICAN and quality chartered accountants in the Civil Service disclosed that Lagos State Government has one of the largest chartered accountant members in the country aside the banks, which are in the private sector.


Speaking earlier, the President of ICAN, Comfort Eyitayo commended Governor Sanwo-olu for the massive infrastructural projects in the state and regards for professionalism across all sectors.


She said: “You (Governor Sanwo-Olu) have demonstrated to us in clear terms your special regard for professionalism and professionals across all fields. This is visibly reflected in the way you have engaged professionals as you pursue the T.H.E.M.E.S Agenda of your administration.


“It is not surprising that Lagos State is witnessing massive infrastructural developments, some already completed and other ongoing projects. You are equally building a State that would be highly connected thereby positioned to become a 21st century economy.


“It is noteworthy that Lagos is already the biggest technology hub for start-ups and its ecosystem in Africa. One of the drivers of this enviable status of the State is the expansion of broadband access to every part of the state.”





JULY 13, 2021